relaxing music maker
relaxing music maker


A Soft Murmur


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A Soft Murmur

A Soft Murmur is an online background noise generator designed to help you relax, focus, and tune out unpleasant sounds from your environment.

Calmy Leon

Introduction. Welcome to Calmy Leon, the most relaxing music and sound generator in the world! Sounds should be playing as you read these lines. Give Calmy ...

Anamnesis — Relaxing Music Generator

Sustained sounds are peaceful, calming and inspirational.

Soundful: #1 AI Music Studio

Explore Soundful: The leading AI Music Studio for creators. Innovate and elevate your music effortlessly with our advanced AI Music Generator.

Listen and create ambient sounds easily

Listen online to relaxing sound atmospheres, ambient music or chilling sound effects. You can even create and mix your own moods, all for free.

ZENmix Meditation Music Player - Maker - Creator

With ZENmix Meditation Music Player you can listen to meditation music and create your own custom meditation and relaxation ambient music.

Meditation Music Generator - Maker - Creator

Build your own immersive, nature-inspired ambient or meditation music with our meditation music software for your YouTube channel, guided meditations or ...


ASoftMurmurisanonlinebackgroundnoisegeneratordesignedtohelpyourelax,focus,andtuneoutunpleasantsoundsfromyourenvironment.,Introduction.WelcometoCalmyLeon,themostrelaxingmusicandsoundgeneratorintheworld!Soundsshouldbeplayingasyoureadtheselines.GiveCalmy ...,Sustainedsoundsarepeaceful,calmingandinspirational.,ExploreSoundful:TheleadingAIMusicStudioforcreators.Innovateandelevateyourmusiceffortless...